Seed cycling is a pretty simple concept but it's equally as easy to mess it up if you don't handle your seeds correctly.
Grind your seeds
In my opinion, this is absolutely essential. Whole seeds can’t be properly digested and will simply pass through the digestive tract. Grinding your seeds ensures you get the most out of their nutrients. Once ground seeds release amazing oils and lignans that can affect our hormonal wellbeing.
Store your seeds correctly
Whole seeds should be stored in airtight containers in a cupboard or fridge. Once ground, seeds can be frozen or kept in the fridge for up to 4 days. Whenever possible use your freshly ground seeds right away. They taste so much better this way!
Meal prep with them
Being short on time can make seed cycling feel like a chore. Bulk make snacks such as energy balls or smoothie packs to have handy in your freezer. Freezing the ground seeds helps to lock in their goodness.
Track your cycle & symptoms
Make time to reflect on changes, that have taken place since you began seed cycling. Does it work for you? Does it fit in with your life? Most importantly, what are your hormonal symptoms like now that you seed cycle? Are you having a more "normal" period and ovulation? It may help to journal on these questions with our FREE reflection page.
Digestion and liver care
Seed cycling will have minimal effect on your hormones if you have a high processed diet while drinking a lot of caffeine and alcohol. These things all wreak havoc with our hormones and should be addressed before or alongside seed cycling. Similarly, stress, sexual wellbeing, medication, air quality, the products we use on our skin and in our homes are all contributing to how our hormones function. Think about the body and mind connection alongside seed cycling.
Don't be thirsty!
Seeds are very high in fiber which can be a good thing but can cause us to get really bloated if we're not drinking plenty of water. One of the surprising benefits of seed cycling is that it can be great for our digestion. This can go in the opposite direction if you're not hydrated, however.
Don't overdo it.
One to two tablespoons a day is the recommended amount for all the bia seed cycling blends
Have seed cycling questions? Feel free to get in touch with us here >